Hong Kong Clay Pot Rice (煲仔饭)

Hong Kong Clay Pot Rice


  • clay pot


  • 2 Taiwanese sausages
  • 4 oz Hunan bacon
  • 4 oz cured pork belly
  • 4 oz salted pork
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup jasmine rice
  • 1 cup water


  1. Cut all meat into bite sized slices.
  2. Wash rice, and place into clay pot with water.
  3. Place the meat neatly on top of the rice (sausages in one quadrant, bacon in one quadrant, etc).
  4. Cook over medium high heat until it starts boiling. Then reduce to low heat and cook for at least 15 minutes.
  5. Crack an egg into center of clay pot.
  6. Cook for 5 more minutes.


  • Bok choy can be placed on top as well
  • Meat is easily replaced (by any chicken or seafood)